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The Jar Pescatarian experience 🐟


Updated: Jun 16, 2021

You have probably realised that at The Jar - Healthy Vending we love not only writing about diets but also trying them out ourselves. If you remember once we all went Keto (Keto for ketogenesis not ketamine) for some time with few of our members still keeping their carbs low. This time I will not be talking from the whole team experience but rather base this story on my own adventure towards more plant based food. I will share my story of becoming pescatarian and only eating seafood for the last 2,5 months 🐟.

It all started around two months ago. Another lockdown, endless days working from home, another diet to keep myself fit. All as planned I’ve taken my chicken out of the freezer to prepare some chicken curry for dinner.

I had a delivery that night but the chicken was still waiting for me the next day for lunch or dinner. Days passed, and the chicken passed away. I hate wasting food but this time somehow I just couldn’t find time to eat it. At that point everything was still feeling normal. I was just forgetting to eat meat. I often tend to forget to eat, so that did not seem strange at all.

One month later after that chicken funeral in my fridge I looked back on what I was eating throughout that month. I realised I had only eaten seafood as the source of meat for that month. I tried tasting some prosciutto I’d ordered before and the meat just did not taste of anything interesting to me.

After that I decided to try meat wherever I see it to make sure I really don’t like it. I have always been that type of person that used to eat meat not even once per day but from 2 to 3 times. I could eat some bacon for breakfast, chicken curry for lunch and pasta with beef ragout for dinner. I have tried multiple times out of my interest to become vegan and would maximum stay half a day before forgetting I turned vegan in the morning.

But this time it all felt different. I did not push myself into stopping to eat animal meat. I really did not plan on doing it. It just came and that’s a great example of how we should above all hear what our body needs. Tell me 6 months ago and I would laugh. Tell me now to eat meat and I would also laugh.

So what has changed? Any miracle effect?

Much and not much I would say. I still eat seafood and fish, so I could not say anything about being fully plant based. However, I definitely see improvement on both my weight and the feeling of lightness. No more heavy stomach nights. I have also seen a super big step forward in my stretching. Things I was on the way to doing after 4 months of trying now became possible in less than a month.

As per negative effects I’ve seen my hair falling more often. Not sure if there is a direct correlation to the change of diet but it did happen at the same time. Although let’s not forget we are in spring and this is the time for our body to be a bit less strong and a bit more vulnerable. Especially, when it comes to vitamins and minerals. So far my only downfall is this one.

Conclusion of this story stays as any other positive story on the Jar Blog: Listen to what your body tells you and just give it to it. And the Jar Healthy machines will support you in all your dietary beginnings.

Stay safe and healthy

The Jar Team ❤️

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