Our blog has been on already for a while. We have shared with you so many carefully selected nutrition advices, busted some trendy myths, experimented with new diets and prepared vegan banana bread in The Jar’s kitchen. Numerous healthy tips and tricks were all at your disposal but now it’s time to get a knowledge test for all of us. Time for a healthy buzz crossword puzzle. Let’s see how well you learned our lessons and if we are any good teachers at The Jar Healthy Vending. Of course, we added some extra ones to see how much of a nerd you are.

Word #8
Quite old but still ongoing trendy diet which requires to cut down carbs and take your energy from healthy fats and protein. Hint: This is a diet which we personally tried and even shared the 4 weeks journal with you on our blog.
Word #1
Natural chemicals which come from plant foods and help to keep them healthy and protect from insects and sun. The most famous compounds we mentioned in our articles were flavonoids and glucosinolates. Medium healthy trends nerd level.

Word #5
HARD, like, actually, hard one. Group of veggies that includes kale, broccoli and cauliflower. Brussels sprouts? Sure! Mainly created the buzz for controversy between their benefits and potential side effects.
Word #3
Another diet on our list. Anytime you try to cut out something completely, you will find it on your google search. Similar to paleo, it is considered more restrictive with total exclusion of alcohol, sugar, dairy, soy, grains and legumes for 30 days. What is left? Only whole foods and that’s your hint.
Word #2
Beginner level word. It describes some type of foods that are considered especially valuable and beneficial for our well-being. Feels like it contains 100 more times vitamins than any other simpler product. Usually used in different powders. Everyone has a crash on their own type of it.
Word #6
Must be fair in here, had no idea about this one before preparing our buzz healthy crossword puzzle for you. We live and we learn, right? But if you are vegan or trying to be one, you should have heard about it for sure. It’s a liquid in which chickpeas or other pulses were cooked. Why? Because it is the best vegan alternative to egg’s white.

Word #4
Still haven’t received an official superfood tittle yet full of vital components for our health, especially, for our sexual health. Especially, for our sexual drive. Well, c’mon you’ve guessed it already. We know you bought kilos of it after one of our recent articles.
Word #5
This ingredient is popular for preparation of hangover or antioxidant drinks. Usually used as a remedy for food poisoning. Final hint: it’s black.
Word #7
Movement founded in 2015, it involves accepting new lifestyle with reducing amount of meat we eat no matter how motivated we are. Which means not going all the way in and becoming a vegan but just taking a slow path in cutting on animal source foods. So if ever thought of not eating meat anymore ending up like getting a steak two times a week instead of three – you belong to this movement.
Word #9
Another buzzy supplement at our kitchen. Probably, we should make some digest of it but let’s see if you know it. “Good guy” bacteria found in foods and dietary supplements. Claims to help in keeping your microflora healthy or improving it when needed.
That’s it for today! Tell us, how many points did you get?
At The Jar Healthy Vending we got different results from 3 points received by our intern to 10/10 by our super veggie boss. If you still have no clue, the answers are below.
1. Phytonutrients
2. Superfood
3. Whole30
4. Maca
5. Cruciferous
6. Aquafaba
7. Keto
5. Charcoal
7. Reducetarian
9. Probiotics