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The Jar Digest: Beans and pulses

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

You've probably heard that beans and pulses can be a part of your 5 a day plan, but have you thought why? At the Jar Healthy Vending, we decided to dig into this topic and prepare for you another ingredient digest which will make you realize why pulses should be a new essential in your diet.

The Jar Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

Starting from the basics let us explain what are those pulses and beans. Beans stand for one of the pulses types together with chickpeas, lentils, and split peas. Pulses belong to the legume family and refer to the dry edible seed of the pod.

What are the health benefits of legumes?

· beans are high in protein and fiber while being low in fat

· pulses reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes

· some legumes can be a great source of iron, magnesium, and zinc

What are the healthiest pulses?

Soybean aka edamame is a real protein booster that is so famous among vegans for its nutritious value. Soya beans are usually used as a substitute to lactose products to make a favorite drink and dishes diary free.

Chickpeas are well-known pulses in the UK for being the main ingredient of beloved hummus. Although we tend to think of it as just another delicious savory snack, it can also help to reach your daily intake of iron with one cup of chickpeas containing around 4mg of this mineral. In the Jar Healthy Vending machines, we have a wide range of chickpeas snacks and meals which could be found on our product page.

Black beans and red kidney beans. Both types of beans are high in fiber and work towards reducing sugar levels in your blood. In the world where added sugar is hidden in most of the processed foods, those beans can help to mitigate the risks of type 2 diabetes.

What is the nutrition value of pulses?

The nutrition value of pulses mainly depends on the type you are choosing. All beans differ from each other in means of how many carbs, protein, fiber, and fat they contain. Nonetheless, the average nutrition value of one cup of cooked beans or other pulses (around 198 g) would range from 200-300 calories which are given by protein, fiber, and carbs. This makes pulses one of the top options to include in both your weight loss as well as a regular healthy diet. To get even more out of the pulses many beans are being sprouted to increase their vitamin and fiber containment while also making it easier for digestion.

PS: Last week we discussed how obsessive healthy eating can bring you to the stage of orthorexia. Therefore, we just want to remind you that our recommendations and suggestions are only based on our team's own experience which does not mean it could be a panacea for everyone. Don't forget to stay not only healthy but also conscious of your eating habits!

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