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The Jar - Healthy Vending alternatives to match snacks from your favourite TV series.

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Which sitcom are you the biggest fan of?

At The Jar Healthy Vending, we are quite divided in regard to it. Adel always sticks to “Friends” while Iurii can’t stop telling me about “The Office” for the past few weeks. I would personally go for The Big Bang Theory. Choosing a series to watch is an ongoing dilemma in our team itself. Even more of the questions come to the decision of pairing your beloved series with snacks. I literally always have a feeling I want to eat the snacks they do on TV and not just a boring pack of crisps from the back of my nibbles shelf.

So here we are with our very special edition of The Jar - Healthy Vending snacks which could be a great healthy alternative to that famous on-screen dish. Fun and easy way to feel like a hero of the show you always felt like was written about your life!

Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

Let’s start from the bottom of the sitcom mania. Remember that one episode with Phoebe’s cookies? She found out her grandma’s secret recipe was actually coming from back of the bag of the Nestle Toll House cookies? Well, we would swap this guilty treat for our chocolate Peakz instead. Same crunchy but full of good for you Iron and Vitamin B12. Highly recommended for the next night with “Friends”. Approved by Adel as a perfect match to the series.

Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

No secret, TV series is one of the best hangover’s remedies. Surely, after watching a season of “How I Met Your Mother” anyone could be done and over with even the worst pains. Watching it we all think of that Stinson's Hangover Fixer Elixir which we could get a hand of. The original recipe seems of anything but hangover cure: grease, bananas, ginger, and Funyuns. We’ve thought that this is something we definitely have a better alternative for. Keeping ginger but adding just lemon and water to it, we recommend next time trying LemonAid Ginger. Might not be as heavy as the original but your body will thank you.

Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

As in any famous sitcom heroes of “The Big Bang Theory” had their own iconic sofa where all the main plot twists seemed to be made. I remember all those scenes where Penny would break it and start just eating Leonard’s Chinese takeaway noodles with him not dropping a word for it. And for this one, we actually do have the closest option both healthy and Asian inspired. Our Thai Chi Chicken noodles can work perfectly with all “TBBT” seasons from the first till the last episode. Their passion for takeaways literally never went off.

Healthy Vending Machines in London, UK

This one especially for our boss, no one else likes “The Office” as much as he does in our team. I hope that he remembers that episode about Kevin’s famous chili pot. As a small recap, Kevin put so much hard work into his dis, brought it with all the pride to the office and then spilled the entire pot in front of the reception. Sounds not as funny as it is on the screen but we bet the fans of this series always wanted to try such a scandalously famous dish. Next time you watch it, please feel sorry for Kevin but do not for yourself as you can easily grab our Kabuto Chili ramen at the touch of a button. If only they had The Jar - Healthy Vending machine in The Office, Kevin could make it look like he never dropped a bit of it.

We hope you enjoyed our little healthy alternatives guide to match your favourite series’ dishes and snacks. Let us know in the comments which could be your next Netflix treat;)

Your The Jar - Healthy Vending Team

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