Fridaaaay at the Jar Healthy vending is always a time of discovery and adventure as our boss let us rest at the weekend (Thank you Lord, Snack Executive) but before we all turn into nocturnal animals let’s play one more quiz with you.
The Jar’s team loves quizzes, puzzles and tests, you might think we are a bit nerdy, but we are who we are. At the latest one we have checked how nutritionally trendy you are with our puzzle on healthy buzzwords. Today let’s examine what you’ve learned so far about our products. It’s a product quiz! 🎉🎉
Choose one or multiple options that you think are correct answers. Don’t you worry if you don’t know the answer. You will find all the solutions below the quiz.
Friday means dating time. Already swiped right and booked a table but still not in the mood? We hope you do remember our recommendation for such emergencies. This product is reach in a very special superfood that proved to make you feel a little bit naughty.

Choose your sources of healthy bacteria from the Jar Healthy Vending Machines in London? Hint: It supports smooth functioning of your digestive system.

If you think you guessed the previous question right, then this one will be too easy for you;) Now find all prebiotics which stimulate the growth of your healthy bacteria.

What can be more relevant than knowing how to boost your immune system in these dark times of coronavirus pandemic outbreak. Guess the best booster from the following items available in our healthy vending machines.

Lets see how much attention you put in our previous posts on essential vitamins. Which product from the picture below makes you an Iron Man or Woman? What you should take for lunch to make sure your heart, lungs and kidneys are being taken care of by vitamin A? Which source of vitamin E would you choose to fight the infection when it comes to your body?

Check your answers below and let us know how many answers you got right! The Jar Healthy Vending team members guessed it all correct, probably, because they are The Jar’s members and snack it every day:D
3) All of the above: PRESS Barley Miso Broth, PRESS Cacao and Matcha Snack and Rejuce Mixed Apple
5) PRESS Soup with kale and kelp for Iron; PRESS Sweet Citrus for vitamin A; Carrot & Turmeric salad by Pollen & Grace for vitamin E